Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012


Love is a feeling that wants to share together or a feeling of affection towards someone. Another opinion, love is an action / active activity by man against another object, such self-sacrifice, empathy, attention, give love, help, obey the word, to follow, obedient, and willing to do whatever the desired object.


Love is one word which contain adequate meaning of complex feelings. Can be natural all beings. The use of the word love is also influenced during development. Sentiasa word change its meaning according to the responses, understanding and use within the state, the position and the generation of different communities. The nature of love in the sense of the 21st century may be different than centuries ago. Expression of love may be used to vent feelings as follows:

1. The feeling of family
2. Feelings against friends, or philia
3. Feelings of romantic love or also called
4. A feeling that only a kemahuan, desire lust or love eros
5. Fellow feeling or so-called love or agape
6. Feelings about or against itself, which is called narcissism
7. Feelings toward a particular concept
8. Feelings against the country or patriotism
9. Feelings against the nation or nationalism

Use of the word love in the people of Indonesia and Malaysia are more influenced word love in English. Love is used in all the practice and meaning to eros, philia, agape, and storge. However, the words that are better suited still be found in the language serantau and described as follows:

1. Love is more inclined to the romantic, romance and lust, eros
2. Unfortunately that is more inclined to friends and family, philia
3. Love is more inclined to family and God, agape
4. The spirit of the homeland is more inclined to patriotism, nationalism and narcissism, storge


Some languages, including Indonesian or Malay language when compared with some recent languages in Europe, looks more vocabulary in expressing these concepts. Including ancient Greek, which distinguishes between three or more concepts: eros, philia, and agape.

Love is a feeling of sympathy that involves deep emotion. According to Erich Fromm, there are four requirements to achieve love, namely:

1. Introduction
2. Responsibilit
3. Attention
4. Mutual respect

Erich Fromm in his best-selling book (the art of loving) states that the four symptoms: Care, Responsibility, Respect, Knowledge (CRRK), appear all in a balanced way in the person who loves. Nonsense, if someone says to love children but never care and no responsibility on the child. While the responsibility and care without respect and without any real sense would want to know more in plunging the parents, teachers, clergy, etc. on an authoritarian attitude.